Friday, March 5, 2010

Jocuri puzzle

Go Marching in

Go Marching in Use the blocks to guide your saints down the corridors and to the exit door.

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Double Maze

Double Maze Use the arrow keys to move the two balls around and land them on the yellow stars and press Control to reset the level.

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Magnetism 2

Magnetism 2 Use regular magnets, electro-magnets and polarity magnets to get the ball from the machine hand to the cup.

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Eliminator Use arrow keys to line up the colored balls and cluster them together to remove them within a given number of moves. Control key to reset.

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Ultimate Snake

Ultimate Snake Use the arrows to move left and right. Watch out for the walls and your tail.

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Fowl Words 2

Fowl Words 2 Type out the letters and unscramble them to get points.

Jocuri Sport

Jocuri sport - Pagina 7

Ultimate Field Goal

Ultimate Field Goal Kick a field goal.

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Keep Ups

Keep Ups Keep the ball up for as long as possible.

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Volleyball Jump up and spike as many balls over the net as you can before time runs out.

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Wake Boarding XS

Jocuri Selectoare Aleator

Un joc este o activitate recreationala în care sunt implicati unul sau mai multi jucatori, fiind definit printr-un scop pe care jucatorii încearca sa-l atinga si un set de reguli care determina ce pot face jucatorii.

Jocurile pot implica un singur jucator, dar mai des implica o competitie între doi sau mai multi jucatori. Cât timp respecta regulile, de obicei sunt mai multe alegeri pe care jucatorul le poate face. Nerespectarea regulilor se numeste trisare.

În cadrul întregii istorii umane, oamenii au jucat jocuri ca o sursa de divertisment pentru ei însisi si pentru altii si exista o varietate enorma de jocuri.